Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day one on the ship

Weather: Overcast, foggy.  Wind force 2-3 NE

Pos: 42.08.85N x 070.32.58W
Currently sailing 200 toward p-town.  Our plan for the next 24 hours is to sail further into Cape Cod bay allowing students to hone seamanship skills before heading towards stellwagen tomorrow and points further north.

Dear Landlubbers,

Today was our first day aboard the Spirit of South Carolina.  We began our journey in Boston from Fan Pier.  After bidding our families farewell we played name games before boarding the ship.  Once aboard the schooner we learned the ropes on how to use the ropes.  Soon after leaving the harbor a thick fog had enveloped our vessel and it got quite chilly.  We continued our orientation, which involved fire and man overboard drills, cleaning instructions, and how to use the bathroom aka “the head.”  After we learned the basics we descended down into the “foc’sle” or the main salon where we would be sleeping.  The size of our living quarters was quaint to say the least.  The rest of the afternoon involved making our beds, learning about more sailing, and finally dinner!  After dinner “A-watch” took over steering and lookout duties.  For some bedtime is early because they must wake up early for a 4 am watch.  For others bedtime is late because they will be working until 12.  Well, that’s it for now.  So far it has been an enjoyable voyage.  Toodles!

Spencer and Emily


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  2. We are students of the dental school São Leopoldo Mandic from Brazil, and found it very interesting trip you did. Congratulations it must have been a different experience, but very constructive and cool.

    by: Camila, Marina and Lucas
